Allied Health Vs COVID-19

Have you ever wondered what is Allied Health? Or maybe why do we even have them? Allied Health Professionals are highly trained individuals that provide diagnosis, education and treatment within their scope of practice. Allied health is broken down by profession, a few of the most recognised professions are Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Dietetics…. Ect. The roll of our Allied Health Professionals is to assess, triage, treat, refer and integrate with our primary health care system to reduce the burden on Hospitals and our General practitioners.

How is this possible you might ask? It’s really pretty simple you wouldn’t ask your gardener to fix your car and you definitely wouldn’t ask your accountant to clean your carpets; so why would you go to your GP or Local Emergency for a sore toe, shoulder or for dietary advice. Your best bet is to make an appointment with one of your local Allied Health Professionals who works daily in the area where you have a concern, you will get better advice, sooner and will be freeing up GP’s and Hospital waiting rooms for those who require more immediate medical care.

At this time when we are battling a pandemic of COVID-19 you don’t want to be waiting in an emergency room or GP’s practice with other sick people putting yourself at risk. Consider making an appointment with one of your local Allied Health Professionals not only to look after yourself but to ensure that our hospitals are ready to treat a far greater crisis. At this time Allied Health Services have been deemed an essential medical service by the Federal Government and we are here to do our part for you and our community.

Call today on (03) 6732 7838 or Book Online with the Newest Podiatrist in Launceston.

*If you are experiencing chest pain, or a life-threatening condition please call ‘000”. If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms, fever and have a cough please call your GP to arrange an appropriate screening and possible testing for COVID-19.


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