Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Treatment For Ingrown Toenail

Sore toenails are the worst! From annoying irritation to severely painful ingrown toenails that are constantly getting infected. The unknown of when will my toes flare up next is too much for some.  At Sky Podiatry, your trusted foot and nail podiatrist, we offer numerous options to managing your pesky toes depending on needs we can find the right solution to fit you and your feet.

Foot and Nail Podiatrist - Conservative Nail Care

Conservative nail care is a treatment for ingrown toenail that can be carried out by your foot and nail podiatrist with minimal discomfort and offers relief from painful in growing toenails almost immediately without the need for downtime. Although conservative management of ingrowing toenails is not permanent it is a great option for those higher risk patients or those who are not yet ready to commit to saying goodbye to their ingrowing toenails forever.

Nail Surgery – Treatment for Ingrown Toenail

At Sky Podiatry, our foot and nail podiatrist offer permanent pain free in chair solutions for severe in growing toenails without the fuss of a hospital or doctor’s visit. 

  • This treatment for ingrown toenail is offered from our clinics by our highly trained foot and nail specialist using Comfort In - Needle Free Pain Relief where we focus on delivering the best result as well as maintaining the cosmetic appeal of your toenail. We guarantee our surgeries! Even with a success rate of 95-97% if the offending toenail regrows, we will redo the procedure free of charge. Because we believe this is should be the last time you need to worry about sore toes.

Comfort In - Needle Free Pain Relief

The Comfort-in™ is a needle-free injection device that delivers local anaesthetic virtually pain-free! We have taken the fear and pain out of fixing your ingrowing toenails permanently.

  • Local anaesthetic is delivered initially using the Comfort-In Needle free injector and in most cases, this results in complete anaesthesia of the toe. In rare circumstances, further local anaesthetic may need to be administered using traditional techniques however due to using the Comfort-In this is all but painless.

Onyfix - Non-Invasive Treatment for Ingrown Toenail

Onyfix is a safe and effective treatment for ingrown toenails, affected involution of the nail itself. Involuted nails can often be the cause of pain and pressure of the nail sulcus and in extreme cases can result in ingrowing toenails. Onyfix requires no anaesthetic, requires no recovery period, and allows the quick resumption of sporting and daily activities.


  • There are no known contraindications to using Onyfix®. 

    Onyfix®, treatment for ingrown toenail, does not make direct skin contact, and there have been no reported allergic reactions. Onyfix® is not a bracing system, and there is no torque applied by foreign objects such as hooks or suction cups that can put your patient at risk. By decreasing the curvature of the nail through its own natural physiological growth, Onyfix® is safe for even the highest risk patients*.

    *This includes children, pregnant women and even patients with peripheral neuropathy who are not candidates for a surgical matrixectomy.

  • There is no downtime.

    Once the Onyfix® compound has been cured by the foot and nail specialist, with the provided LED light, your patient is free to do whatever activity they already had planned… running, swimming, or dancing - you name it, they can participate.

  • Yes, provided that they are using a nail polish that can be removed with acetone or liquid nail polish remover.

    A gel or shellac polish that requires mechanical debridement or filing to be removed should not be used as the Onyfix® strip may come off during mechanical debridement.

  • Absolutely.

    Once the Onyfix® treatment for ingrown toenail compound is cured, your patient can bathe, shower and swim as they like.

  • This depends on the requirements of the individual patient.

    Generally speaking, you can follow this timeline. However, some individuals will require more frequent applications or re-application by a foot and nail specialist if trauma has resulted in the Onyfix strip becoming dislodged. 

    Follow-Up #1: Initially, follow-up at 6 weeks for assessment of Onyfix® strip application and general treatment

    Follow-Up #2: Secondary follow-up at 12 weeks for secondary Onyfix® strip application

    Follow-Up #3+: Follow-up every three months for Onyfix® strip application until the involution has been adequately reduced.

  • This is patient dependent.

    Clinical studies indicate that a 12-month treatment protocol shows positive results¹.

    ¹Eckhard Hanisch, Physiological and painless treatment of ingrown and rolled toenails, 2018.

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